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High-Rise Fire Safety - Paul Robeson House

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Your Building Safety Manager

Patrick Achief Building Safety Manager for Rowe House

I’m Patrick Achief your dedicated Building Safety Manager for Paul Robeson House.

My job is to make sure Paul Robeson House remains as safe as possible for you and the building’s other residents.

My tasks include managing the fire safety systems inspections and ensuring that assessments are carried out with adequate frequency.

If you have any safety concerns about your building or queries relating to the Fire Risk Assessment, please contact me as soon as you can.

Fire Risk Assessment

A Fire Risk Assessment (FRA) is carried out once a year at Paul Robeson House by one of our trained assessors.

The main purpose of the FRA is to:

  • Identify hazards
  • Assess risks
  • Create an action plan
  • Review the evacuation strategy
Gas and Fire safety icon

Overall Fire Risk Evaluation, Block B - March 2023

  • Likelihood of Fire: Low

  • Potential Consequence of Fire: Moderate Harm

  • Overall Risk: Tolerable Risk

Overview: It is essential that efforts are made to reduce the risk. Risk reduction measures should be implemented within a defined time period.

Where moderate risk is associated with consequences that constitute extreme harm, further assessment might be required to establish more precisely the likelihood of harm as a basis for determining the priority for improved control measures.

Our progress against the action plan can be viewed in the table below. This will be reviewed every 3 months:

Reference Action Category Date Identified Required Action Priority Status
11.11b Means of Escape 28/03/2023 Replace perko closers on all student bedsits on all floors ( x 127) with suitable overhead self closing devices, seal appropriately where perko closers are removed. Install smoke/intumescent strips to the following doors; all riser cupboards on all floors (approx. 15 risers on each floor x 8 floors). Install overhead self closers to all store room fire doors (x1 store room in every Flat 5 on all floors and in Flat 3 on the ground floor). Install drop down seals below main flats communal doors (x3 flat doors on all 8 floors). Moderate Open
11.13 Means of Escape 28/03/2023 Site responsible person to raise job with maintenance to replace the following water damaged riser cupboard doors; on the ground floor in Flat 2, riser between rooms 4&5, on the 4th floor in Flat 4, riser between rooms 4&5. Moderate Open
12.01 Measures to Limit Fire Spread & Development 28/03/2023 Replace unsecured rockwool in riser cupboards on ceilings with fire rated batts - from the ground floor to the 7th floor (approx. 15 riser cupboards on each floor x 8 floors, plus electric cupboards located in store rooms on all floors (1x store room in every Flat 5 on all floors and in Flat 3 on the ground floor). Firestopping should be completed first before fire detection is installed. Moderate Open
15.02 Means of Giving Warning in the Event of a Fire 28/03/2023 Install detection to all riser cupboards from the ground floor to the 7th floor (approx. 15 riser cupboards on each floor x 8 floors, plus electric cupboards located in store rooms on all floors (1x store room in every Flat 5 from 1st floor - 7th floor, link all detection to main alarm system. Moderate Open
21.11 Testing & Maintenance 28/03/2023 Fire and evacuation lifts have just been installed in building and awaiting commissioning. Service contract for weekly and monthly inspections and annual testing of fire and evacuation lifts should be put in place. Moderate Open


Overall Fire Risk Evaluation, Block C - March 2023

  • Likelihood of Fire: Low

  • Potential Consequence of Fire: Moderate Harm

  • Overall Risk: Tolerable Risk

Overview: It is essential that efforts are made to reduce the risk. Risk reduction measures should be implemented within a defined time period.

Where moderate risk is associated with consequences that constitute extreme harm, further assessment might be required to establish more precisely the likelihood of harm as a basis for determining the priority for improved control measures.

Our progress against the action plan can be viewed in the table below. This will be reviewed every 3 months:

Reference Action Category Date Identified Required Action Priority Status
11.11b Means of Escape 31/03/2023 Replace perko closers on all student bedsit fire doors on all floors ( x70) with suitable overhead self closing devices, seal appropriately where perko closers are removed. Install smoke/intumescent strips to the following doors; all riser cupboards on all floors (approx. 6 risers on each floor x 7 floors). Install overhead self closers and smoke seals to x2 fire doors in the roof (lift motor room, ventilation room & in room leading to roof void. Install drop down seals below 1st main communal doors x7 on 7 floors). Moderate Open
11.15 Means of Escape 31/03/2023 Site responsible person must ensure all escape routes are kept clear of obstructions, vacuum cleaners were blocking corridors on some floors. Moderate Open
12.01 Measures to Limit Fire Spread & Development 31/03/2023 Replace unsecured rockwool in riser cupboards and electric cupboards on ceilings with fire rated batts - from the ground floor to the 6th floor (approx. 6 cupboards on each floor x 7 floors. Fire stopping required in electrical cupboard on the 1st floor in Flat 5 on walls around service pipes. Fire stopping should be completed first before fire detection is installed. Fire stop appropriately gap between block wall and ceiling in room leading to roof void on the 6th floor. Moderate Open
15.02 Means of Giving Warning in the Event of a Fire 31/03/2023 Install detection to all riser cupboards and electric cupboards from the ground floor to the 6th floor (approx. 6 cupboards on each floor x 7 floors, link all detection to main alarm system. Fire stopping to ceilings in cupboards should be completed first before fire detection is installed. Moderate Open


Overall Fire Risk Evaluation, Block D - March 2023

  • Likelihood of Fire: Low

  • Potential Consequence of Fire: Moderate Harm

  • Overall Risk: Tolerable Risk

Overview: It is essential that efforts are made to reduce the risk. Risk reduction measures should be implemented within a defined time period.

Where moderate risk is associated with consequences that constitute extreme harm, further assessment might be required to establish more precisely the likelihood of harm as a basis for determining the priority for improved control measures.

Our progress against the action plan can be viewed in the table below. This will be reviewed every 3 months:

Reference Action Category Date Identified Required Action Priority Status
11.11b Means of Escape 24/03/2023 Replace perko closers on all student bedsits on all floors ( x 62) with suitable overhead self closing devices, seal appropriately where perko closers are removed. Install smoke/intumescent strips to the following doors; all riser cupboards on all floors (approx. 7 risers on each floor x 6 floors), fire door in room leading to the roof on the 7th floor, and office door on GF. Install overhead self closer and smoke seals to security office kitchen (office separate from student blocks). Install overhead self closers and smoke seals to x3 fire doors in the roof (lift motor room, boiler room & room with roof detector). Moderate Open
11.13 Means of Escape 24/03/2023 Site responsible person to raise job with maintenance to adjust approx. 6 riser cupboard doors to shut correctly; in D62 riser after Room 1, in D51 - 2nd riser after Room 1 and riser between Rooms 4&5, in D32- riser between Rooms 3&4, in D11- riser RHS to double door riser, and in D12 - riser between Rooms 1&2. Raise job to replace missing ceiling panels in D71 corridor. Moderate Open
11.14 Means of Escape 24/03/2023 Replace vents/grilles on riser cupboard fire doors in all flat 1 corridors with intumescent grilles (x1 fire door with grille/vent per floor x 7 floors). Moderate Open
12.01 Measures to Limit Fire Spread & Development 24/03/2023 Replace unsecured rockwool in riser cupboards on ceilings with fire rated batts - from the ground floor to the 7th floor (7 riser cupboards on each floor x 7 floors, plus cupboard on the ground floor). Remove excess foam around service pipes and wall and reseal appropriately in riser cupboard between Rooms 4&5 on the 3rd floor. Moderate Open
14.01 Fire Safety Signs & Notices 24/03/2023 Install maintained fire exit bulkhead (with running man) to the rear exit door. Moderate Open
15.02 Means of Giving Warning in the Event of a Fire 24/03/2023 Install detection to all riser cupboards 1st-7th floor, 7 cupboards per floor x7 floors. Install detection in housekeeping kitchen and cleaners room/chemical room, link all detection to main alarm system. Moderate Open
19.01 Procedures & Arrangements 24/03/2023 Site responsible person must provide a written record of the procedures to be carried out in the event of a fire in the security office, for the security officers. Moderate Open
22.06 Records 24/03/2023 Security company must provide fire training/fire marshal training records for all security staff. Moderate Open
23.01 Premises Information Box 24/03/2023 Copy of fire log book must be kept in security office for the fire and rescue service. Moderate Open


Evacuation Strategy

The evacuation strategy for Paul Robeson House is “Simultaneous”.

This is where the fire alarm sounds throughout the whole of the building informing all persons to exit.

Exterior shot of block C Paul Robeson House, the high rise student accommodation block in London

Your Resident Engagement Strategy

Coming soon.