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PSE withdraw form


Complete and submit this form to withdraw from Pension Salary Exchange



Full Name*

Full Name


Employee ID*

This can be found on your Pension Salary Exchange letter or payslip

I confirm that I do not want to take part in the Pension Salary Exchange arrangement for my Sanctuary Pension Scheme. *


I understand, that by withdrawing from Pension Salary Exchange:  

  • Any pension contributions that I make will continue to be made as net deductions from my net salary (i.e. after income tax and National Insurance Contributions have been deducted).
  • I can choose to join Pension Salary Exchange in the future if I remain eligible.    

Please indicate the reason(s) you wish to withdraw. You can select multiple options.*

Please indicate the reason(s) you wish to withdraw. You can select multiple options.

Please add any further information for not wishing to take part in the scheme.

Privacy statement

           I confirm I have read the Sanctuary privacy statements