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Dylan Asphar

Dylan Asphar lives at one of Sanctuary Supported Living’s schemes in Brighton.

Here's Dylan's story in his own words:

From a tough start, I worked full-time as an administrative debt collector for a high street bank, but a personal situation arose which resulted in me losing my job and experiencing mental health problems.

In addition, I later discovered I had Asperger’s, which affects the way I feel around people. Sanctuary Housing provided me with a place at its Foyer, which houses people at risk of homelessness, before eventually finding me a flat in the centre of Brighton.

Since then, I have been involved in Green politics and joined Sanctuary’s National Resident Scrutiny Panel, where I am currently leading our communications/tone of voice strategy. Most importantly for me, I am also involved in our Environmental Strategy with the relevant Heads of Service.

I am involved in high level debate with high profile figures in politics and had the opportunity to meet a cabinet minister to testify about my experience here. Staff at Sanctuary work with me in a sensitive manner to support me with problems that are not usually obvious or visible. Recognising I had something to offer, they worked with me over years to give me the opportunity to maximise my work with Sanctuary, including looking at the area I am most interested in - climate change and renewable energy.

That personal approach really is, I have found, the best way to utilise peoples’ skills and to see them as individuals who offer something. Sanctuary aspires to take a customer centred approach and my experience with Sanctuary shows how this can work most effectively.

I am also a musician, singer, guitarist and a composer of everything from ballads to heavy metal.