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Empathy drives food bank help

30th November 2021


Food bank support in Rochford

Staff experiences of childhood hunger have inspired our Rochford office to support their local food bank.

Our team make regular donations to St Mark’s Food Drop-In, a project which provides food parcels to around 120 families without the need for a referral or voucher.

The St Mark’s Food Drop-In collects most of its food from local supermarkets. Anyone in Rochford who needs a free food parcel should visit St Mark’s Hall between 9.30am and 10.30am, Monday to Friday.

If you’re in need and live in Southend or Rayleigh, our Rochford office can instead refer you to the Trussell Trust (Southend) or Hopeworx Food Hub (Rayleigh) food banks.

Our Estate Services operations manager Tim McCreadie said: “The suggestion took me back to my childhood when my Papa was the only person in our household who worked. When we didn’t have food on our table, other families on our estate would give us food. The local Methodist church also helped to stop us going hungry.

“The team member who made the suggestion wishes to remain anonymous, but I respect that they have room in their heart to put others before themself. For me that’s the true definition of service and something so many of my team do.”