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Boom Bus sees Torbay residents reconnect

13th January 2022


Stock image of child wearing headphones looking at DJ equipment

Communities across Torbay have been benefiting from a unique multimedia roadshow aimed at bringing different generations together.

Using funding from Sanctuary, staff from community organisation Sound Communities CIC have delivered the ‘Boom Bus’ project – an interactive, digital development centre on wheels – in different locations around the Bay.

So far, nearly 150 people have taken part in a range of workshops and events including DJing, podcasting and digital music production.

Live radio broadcasts also gave residents of all ages the opportunity to come together and discuss their different experiences of lockdown.

Kate Rudman from Sound Communities said: “As many of our sessions took place when restrictions were lifted last summer, it was the first time lots of our participants had seen other people face-to-face in a long time. It was so valuable for residents to have the space to express their feelings and have their voices heard.

“It was clear to see just how much the young people and the community had missed socialising. The Boom Bus activities gave everyone the chance to reconnect and, perhaps most importantly, laugh and have fun.”

Sanctuary’s local neighbourhood partnerships manager, Lynne Roberts, added: “Most of the people who took part in the Boom Bus sessions told us they now felt less anxious and more positive about themselves, which is fantastic and just what we were hoping for.

“We’re excited to continue working with Sound Communities over the next year and support even more people to come together and reconnect.”

Anyone interested in finding out more about the Boom Bus and other projects from Sound Communities can visit their website or email