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Sanctuary Funding Charter

Our charter lists key financial and legal principles that apply to Community Investment grants. We expect all of our partners to adhere to our grant principles:

Funding the Project

  • You should only use the grant to deliver the project, and not for any other purpose unless we have agreed to it.

  • You should not seek duplicate funding from another provider, or use funders whose involvement might damage the reputation of the project or Sanctuary.

  • If you receive any other funding, let us know and be clear and open about it.

  • You must properly manage the project finances, account for funding received and keep proper records. We may need to see your records of how funding has been spent.

  • Many of the groups we support do not have a formal governing body. However if you do have a governing body, you should not use the grant to pay the members of your governing body (including any directors or trustees).  If you are unsure what the grant is allowed to be spent on, please speak to us.

  • If you keep an annual report and accounts the grant should be clearly acknowledged

  • You should not use the grant to pay for expenses already incurred before the grant was given, unless we have agreed in writing.

Managing the Project

  • You must always be clear, open and honest with us about how the project will operate and how the funding will be used.

  • You should deliver the project with reasonable skill and care, ensuring you make reasonable progress with the project and that it is not delivered negligently. 

  • You should ensure the project is operated in compliance with the requirements of UK health and safety laws including the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and any associated regulations and codes of practice.

  • You must comply with your obligations as a data controller under UK data protection laws (including the UK Data Protection Act 2018 and the UK GDPR). You will need to:

    • keep personal data safe and secure within your organisation and tell people what you are going to do with the information you collect;
    • ensure you have a lawful basis for collecting or sharing any personal data, including a lawful basis for sharing that data with us where appropriate; and
    • where appropriate, seek written consent from individuals before collecting or sharing their data. We have templates to help you to gather consent if you need them, please ask.
  • Please don’t provide us with misleading or inaccurate information about the project. We would rather be given the full picture than have problems or issues glossed over. If issues arise with the project, please tell us straight away, we may be able to help. 

  • We want to support the project as we believe that it fits our values around diversity and inclusion. We want to make sure that the whole community can access the project and doesn’t feel excluded and discriminated against and we expect you to operate the project in a fair and non-discriminatory manner at all times. We know that there may be some projects which only target a specific group of people, we just need you to be aware and talk it through with your main Sanctuary contact if this applies to your project.

If you have any questions then please get in touch with your Sanctuary contact or you can contact our central Community team via email or by phone on 01905 335411.