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Olu Odeniyi

A portrait image of Olu Odeniyi

Olu Odeniyi BEng (Hons), MBCS, MCP, JP

Group Board Member

Olu Odeniyi is an experienced non-executive board member, chair, business leader and speaker who has held positions in the public, charity, and private sectors. He currently serves as an external advisor to the Royal College of Nursing and sits on the Board of the Finance and Investment Committee. Olu is also a non-executive director and Chair of the Finance and Business Investment Committee for Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust. With a focus on providing strategic guidance and expertise, Olu operates as a trusted independent advisor, trainer, and interim C-Suite executive. His areas of specialisation include cybersecurity, information security, and digital transformation.

Additionally, Olu serves as a business mentor with the Government “Help to Grow” scheme and at the University of West London Enterprise Hub, where he assists with commercialising start-up ideas. Olu is also a professional member of BCS, the Chartered Institute for IT, a Young Enterprise judge, and a Magistrate. Olu recently co-founded CXB Limited, a not-for-profit forum focused on equipping board members for effective cyber governance.

His previous roles include being regional leader for a global technology company, CEO and chair of a chamber of commerce, chair and trusteeship for several charities, non-executive director for the Federation of Small Businesses, and a board member for the Government-sponsored Science and Innovation Audit on Sustainable Airports led by Brunel University.