The Group Board’s primary role is to define and ensure compliance with Sanctuary’s values and objectives. They set our strategic direction and make sure that policies and plans are in place to achieve our objectives. They also establish and oversee a framework of delegation and systems of control.
The Group Board comprises eight non-executive members, the Group Chief Executive, Craig Moule, and two co-opted Executive members. They oversee all of the activities undertaken by the organisation, namely affordable housing, care, development and commercial services.
We are committed to having an effective board comprising members with diverse backgrounds, life experience, knowledge and skills.
A summary of declarations of interest of current Group Board members is available on the Group register of declarations of interest page.
More information on our Group Board is also available on our sustainability hub.

Andrew Manning-Cox MA (Cantab), FCIArb, Chartered Arbitrator, CEDR Accredited Mediator
Group Chair
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Ros Kerslake CBE, BA (Hons), MBA
Chair of Remuneration Committee and Chair of Beech Grove Homes
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