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Are you eligible to exchange your home?

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Before you complete a mutual exchange, you will need written permission from us and any other Landlord that is involved in the move, as there are certain criteria's that you need to meet to be eligible for a mutual exchange: To be eligible you must:

  • Have the correct type of tenancy
  • Have no rent arrears
  • Move to a property of the correct size for your current needs (we would not normally support a move where someone ends up with more bedrooms than they need)
  • Not be looking to move into a property with aids and adaptations, for example wet rooms, without being assessed and given a medical recommendation
  • Not be subject to a Possession Order or Suspended Possession Order
  • Not be subject to a Notice of Seeking Possession for a breach of tenancy
  • Meet any local lettings criteria for incoming tenants

Further information

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